Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Justice minister defends mesothelioma review

Justice minister Shailesh Vara has this week defended the Government’s decision to implement the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders (LASPO) Act 2012 for mesothelioma claims.

When the LASPO Act was passed by Parliament, a clause included in the Act said that the changes to success fees and ATE insurance would not apply to mesothelioma claims until a review had been carried out and a report published.

Speaking during a debate this week in Westminster, Mr Vara said that, “the Government carried out the section 48 review as part of the consultation on reforming mesothelioma cases, which concluded on 2 October 2013.”

The minister added that the Government understands, “mesothelioma victims face an appalling and fatal disease with which they and their families have to come to terms, while also having to engage with the claims process. Without in any way seeking to minimise the distress this entails, however, there are many other serious personal injury and fatal claims, to which the LASPO reforms already apply, that produce difficult challenges for victims and families.”

Earlier during the debate, Conservative MP Tracey Crouch joined with Labour MPs saying that a review has not been carried out, with shadow justice minister Andy Slaughter urging the minister to conduct another consultation.

(source: apil.org.uk)

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