Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Nurse was so drunk she had to be treated by her own accident and emergency department

A NURSE who was drunk on duty had to be treated by her own accident and emergency department.

Sheila Fletcher was struck off as she was treating patients at Hull Royal Infirmary whilst being drunk after taking in a wine box onto her ward.

Fletcher did not notice she had cut herself when she smashed a bottle of medicine before colleagues intervened, a disciplinary hearing was told.

She was stopped administering drugs at eight in the morning to unsuspecting patients after a colleague noticed she was behaving unusually.

Fletcher was employed at the Hull Royal Infirmary and went to work on May 15 2011 after drinking at home.

She told the ward sister that her arm felt tingly and that he head was 'not right', the Nursing and Midwifery Council heard.

An auxiliary nurse then reported that Fletcher has been seen in the toilet on her hands and knees clearing up 'pink fluid and broken glass on the floor'.

On another occasion she had failed to give drugs to a patient and doctored records to show that she had.

When Fletcher's husband visited her later in A&E he confirmed she had been drinking at home.

At a disciplinary hearing on February 7 2012, Fletcher admitted that she had taken a box of wine to work.

"It is the first time I recollect taking the bottle and the box (of wine) to the ward," she said.
The panel found the nurse guilty of failing to test the blood sugar levels of patient failing to provide him with insulin and failing to document her errors.

Allegations that she dishonestly forged the medication card for the patient were found not proved.
Fletcher faced further allegations relating to her conduct in November 2010 when she was accused of failing to prescribe drugs to a patient and then falsifying records on the following day.

The panel also found these allegations against her proved.

Fletcher, who was not present or represented at the hearing in central London, she was struck off the register.

(source: grimsbytelegraph.co.uk)